Monday, 4 January 2010


Mike Leigh
Mike Leigh is a British film and theatre writer and director famed for his commencing his works without a script and creating a storyline through lengthy improvisations that take place over a series of weeks. He starts with a brief idea of how he imagines the narrative might develop and only reveals this to the actors within the project when it is integral to their character development and captures their 'realist' responses.

The Blair Witch Project / Cloverfield / REC
These three contemporary films all belong to the found footage genre. All three involve 100% or a majority of improvisation which is a great effect as at times their reactions to certain events within the narrative mimic those of the audience which gives them something to relate to. All were also met with phenomenal success both critically and audience wise and are a prime example of what can be achieved in this genre with simple originality and the following and breaking the right conventions.

How They Relate To My Project
Taking note from Mike Leigh and the three feature films I will give my actors a brief summary of the entire plot and the conclusion that I want each scene to reach and what paths I want to be taken to get there whilst letting them have otherwise free rein over their actions and dialogue. Therefore the majority of the content in 'Deamons' shall be improvisation from the actors as I feel this will make the performances much more believable and enable the text to have a stronger sense of realism and relatability to the audience that is so important and sought after in this specific genre.

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