Monday, 11 January 2010

Filming Schedule

When planning my AS level project last year we did not 'draw up' a filming schedule or location list of any kind and as a result the filming wasn't completed until the night before it had to be due in. This caused problems because one of the cast members couldn't film at that time so we had to find another person with just a couple of hours notice. Also, we had to shoot all scenes within a few hours and scramble around to find suitable locations in close distance of each other. To avoid this I have decided to create a definitive schedule and location list for this project.

Wednesday 13th January 2010
After dark on this day we plan to film all of the interior scenes which add up to a majority of the scenes overall. Shooting will take place in the residential house location that we have already secured.

Friday 15th January 2010
Again after dark, we will film the exterior scenes in quiet secluded wooded area so to match the ''eerie'' feel of surroundings and the helplessness of the character that is often prevalent in this type of film.

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