Monday, 11 January 2010

Location List

Residential House
For all interior scenes we will use the same residential house. This is not for convenience purposes but due to the fact that the décor throughout has an extremely traditional and almost 'old' feel to it. This is thoroughly important to the mise-en-scene as I feel that we would not be able to create the same intensity of fear and suspense within the viewer if we had used a more 'modernly' decorated house. Also, the house belongs to one of the cast members, Jennifer, so we can use her actual bedroom as the location for her character's as in the script all interior scenes take place in her house.

Bursted Woods
All exterior scenes shall be shot in Bursted woods, the same location used for the woods in my AS level Media project. It is an expansive wooded area surrounding a hospital. I chose this location as I and the cast members know it well and the location is perfect for achieving the eerie feel we want to match the action in these scenes.

Railway Bridge
For the final scene with the masked character I have chosen a small footbridge above the railway near Bursted Woods. I also used this location for a scene in my AS Media project as the natural lighting in the area transfers as a great effect on camera.

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