Tuesday, 29 December 2009



My short film within the found footage, thriller, horror genre is going to be called Daemons. The narrative of my film will revolve around a small group of four friends - Jennifer, Gary, Pele and Gavin - who decide to use / play with an Ouija board.

We will follow: Their reactions and feelings before the event of using the Ouija board / how they feel and what they are doing during the event / What happens during the even and what causes some of them to leave / What happens the subsequent days as a result of the 'consequences' of 'messing' with the board. The film will be presented as if found by an outside source and made it public for people to be made aware of what really happened over the respective days that each of the characters disappeared.

Following conventions, Daemons will only involve four main characters in locations, which in this case will be a house and woods, that are far from a lot of people and as a result - help.

The only female character within the narrative is reluctant to take part as she believes that there are consequences and that there really is truth in the theory that Ouija boards can be used to contact the dead / spirits and can open some sort of 'doorway' between the worlds that can result in negative things happening to all those involved in the process. Two of the male characters - Her boyfriend Pele and his friend Gary, are enthusiastic about using the board are un-phased by the possible negative outcomes and are almost forceful into goading the female into it. Her twin bother Gavin is also present and is also uneasy about the board, he chooses not to be involved and leaves. The three left begin and after time has passed they hear a smash and run out to see what has happened. Scared and confused they blame it on Gavin who comes downstairs and remains adamant that he did not smash anything. They all argue. After a short time has passed they go back to the room with the Oiuja board, the twins don't want to continue and try to persuade the others not to either. Again, they are met with ridicule so they leave and take the camera with them.

A title screen will then be shown with text saying that Gavin and Gary disappeared the next day but footage from the event was too sensitive too be shown and was therefore destroyed. The video camera belongs to Gavin which explains why the incident surrounding his disappearance is on camera but not why Gary's is also or how, in the next scene, Pele has the camera. The explanation for this which is not going to be explicitly stated in the film is that Gary and Pele are the cause of the disappearance and have been 'possessed' by demons as a result of 'opening a door' when they used the Ouija board.

The third and final day will show the character of Jennifer being kidnapped and killed by a possessed Pele in the middle of a wooded area. This is where the film will end.

  • Daemons will be presented as if found by an unknown source who took it from the possession of an unknown agency who are answerable almost to no one and have the authority to operate outside the laws of the British government.
  • This unknown agency in turn confiscated the footage from British Police possession and edited out certain parts, this will explain the absence of some footage and the excessive jump cuts seen throughout the final product.
  • The unknown source has not edited the footage at all and has only included title cards explaining certain things. Apart from that, they published the footage as found.
  • Of course, as is popular within this genre, more questions are posed throughout the duration of the text than are answered, which will most likely never explicitly be answered if at all, such as - Who are the unknown agency and why do they want the footage?, Why has it taken almost four years for the footage to be released?, With the overwhelming evidebce against certain characters why are they all being treated equally as missing persons and not criminals? These are just a few that the audience will be passively goaded into subconsciously asking. Others will also be posed but the nature of which will depend on the differing factors of upbringing, social status, life experience etc. of the audience, of which no two will be exactly matched ensuring a different outcome.

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